Sunday, October 26, 2008

Chart Of First 150 Pokemon

education, training and youth

The creation of a new class of leaders who can address the problems of the world and be prepared to new challenges, represents a pivotal and essential if you want to build a future society "better". The school, family, university, politics, secular and religious institutions, the media must join together with the comparison and give each its own contribution to ensuring that all young people a decent education and adequate training to address the changing lives today. Unfortunately today we are witnessing a profound cultural decay that has its roots in the changing mores of a society modern surface and attentive only to the economic interests and power, and a system of education and training that no longer works and can not keep pace with the changing times, where there is no meritocracy. We must restore the dignity and importance that education should aim to create the individual and the person in civil society, to create "man". At the same time we need to address and improve, with careful planning, training, theoretical and applied disciplines essential and fundamental to those who really need a new development that is sustainable. The study is undoubtedly a right of all young people, but must be directed at the work and realization of the individual in society. There must be a continuum between the different stages of the process: education compulsory theoretical training, application and finally to the work intended as a contribution to society. We must create a new system with a common project where young people can return to the center of the process of education and training, rather than the sacrificial victims of a corrupt system, privileges and interests as ends in themselves.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

External Speakers Fro Lcd Tv

The primary goods and the State

health, education and training, information, justice, the primary goods of consumption and the environment are essential to our existence and a life worth living. However, capitalism, liberalism unrestrained without rules and limits where everything is focused on the relationship between an application addressed and conditioned by 'offering, the big interests of a few rich and monopolies, the power of money, the political class and corporations has led to catastrophic consequences, unfortunately, with a current impoverishment and a cultural regression, leading to a departure to what are the important elements of our lives. Today it has become necessary and the superfluous INDISPENSABLE in the name of the market and money. You are seeing a growing gap between rich, powerful and ordinary people, not only increasing the poverty line, but making our real estate company and a slave of economic interests and privileges of a few. The end a "civil" society should be to ensure social equality, equal opportunities, and provide the means for all citizens to a decent life by ensuring the basic necessities, giving them maximum freedom of expression within the rules, laws and civil society. We need the efforts of all citizens and especially deserving, honest, supportive and willing to join and will join a "battle" democratic, civil and cultural life in the name of common good. And 'the man who makes the story better or for worse.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Where Did Wm Rogers Aa Come From?

Federalism and Health

In recent years we are finally starting to idea of \u200b\u200ba federal resource management. Theoretically, federalism should lead to benefits in the long sense of empowerment for territories and local administrators of optimization of resources, control of public spending, and a policy closer to the citizen. However, in my humble opinion, federalism should be set in a progressive and established on fertile ground, otherwise we will only move the problem from one party (the state) to local authorities with further damage to communities in the south and increasing the gap between North and South of Italy. Most of the resources used in the territory about the "health", and this trend is expected to grow over the years for increasing age media and therefore of chronic diseases. Today, unfortunately, our health is managed by the policy, because it represents a huge potential constituencies. Just think of what happens to the ASL, where general managers are chosen by the Region, and in turn choose the other vertices of the pyramid of power, with a chain reaction up to the operators who often have no say and which are nothing more than a grain of sand. All this involves a serious limit set on the power struggle at all costs, ignoring the primary purpose of public health. An efficient and effective health must be approached on mechanisms of meritocracy and independence from political and powers ends in themselves, must move away from the concept of economic productivity that we have tried to give in recent years. The health of the citizen is not a product to market, but a good primary science only "true" and the awareness of health workers can protect him.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Meade Camera Adaptor Olympus

capitalism and globalization

Recently, the image is falling into disfavor in the United States of America and its capitalist civilization and liberal (for the rich) after the latest events on Wall Street and the failure of major U.S. banks . This should make us reflect and be an inspiration for our politicians, who instead of thinking of renewing the company policies of the past and preserved their power and privileges, should take initiatives to a new model for society and for a development that is sustainable. You begin to think seriously and finally to new environmental policies and energy conservation. The future will be new sources of energy and a new organizational model of development centered on the development of worthy citizens and territories. The new watchwords should be: theoretical and practical purposes, meritocracy, sustainable development, efficiency and effectiveness. Let's reclaim our lives and think about the future.