In recent years we are finally starting to idea of \u200b\u200ba federal resource management. Theoretically, federalism should lead to benefits in the long sense of empowerment for territories and local administrators of optimization of resources, control of public spending, and a policy closer to the citizen. However, in my humble opinion, federalism should be set in a progressive and established on fertile ground, otherwise we will only move the problem from one party (the state) to local authorities with further damage to communities in the south and increasing the gap between North and South of Italy. Most of the resources used in the territory about the "health", and this trend is expected to grow over the years for increasing age media and therefore of chronic diseases. Today, unfortunately, our health is managed by the policy, because it represents a huge potential constituencies. Just think of what happens to the ASL, where general managers are chosen by the Region, and in turn choose the other vertices of the pyramid of power, with a chain reaction up to the operators who often have no say and which are nothing more than a grain of sand. All this involves a serious limit set on the power struggle at all costs, ignoring the primary purpose of public health. An efficient and effective health must be approached on mechanisms of meritocracy and independence from political and powers ends in themselves, must move away from the concept of economic productivity that we have tried to give in recent years. The health of the citizen is not a product to market, but a good primary science only "true" and the awareness of health workers can protect him.
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