Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Difference Between Trojan And Trojan-enz

Policy, Institutions and the "moral issue" The path

recently is finally emerging as a moral issue and Ethics in Politics. After the scandal emerged during the "Clean Hands" seemed to begin a new era with the beginning of the famous "Second Republic". However, the news every day brings back disturbing episodes of corruption and malfeasance involving the institutions, especially the policy of any color at all levels. Thanks to the spread of the wiretaps, (who inexplicably want to be restricted only to serious crimes) to the work of the Judiciary and a piece of information, have come to light incidents involving politicians and others, that although not all have a value prosecution of crime, they have an important significance on the side of ethics and morality, demonstrating for all to see now a policy and present life without those core values \u200b\u200bof honesty and transparency, which are indispensable for those who "want to" deal with people's problems. To stop this moral decay, which unfortunately coincides with a period of recession and serious problems for the world economy, we need the effort of all people of good sense, all law-abiding citizens through any democratic initiative to fight for the common good. We need a new critical and constructive spirit of the people that goes beyond any political affiliation and that will result in rewarding meritocracy, which affects not only the skills but also good conduct and honesty. Unfortunately there is no single, simple solution to solve a serious and huge problem, but try to recognize it and address it in every area and moment of our public life can be an important contribution. Politics, unfortunately, is our life and we can not pretend that we are not interested or does not affect us. Must create a new civic consciousness of the common good from the young people who represent the future, and can not always just feel pessimistic phrases like "you want to do this is life, so are all the same and only think about their business." We need new major public figures not only institutional, but they are examples of morality and intellectual honesty. Everything in the eyes of the law could be interpreted as pure idealism and rhetoric, but in my opinion is now the only possible way forward to hope for a better future.


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