In the last election campaign the issue of security of citizens has played an important role in the electoral and political destiny of our country. Systematically in all political debates illegal immigration has been compared to the safety citizens, going to ride the el fears' anguish of the people, fueled by persistent reports of crime. The policy has always fed the fears and expectations of a people. Addesso Unfortunately, after repeated failures of bipartisan politics and the difficulties of a capitalist economy without rules, expectations have collapsed, there is nothing left to survive with the defense of our land against the "barbarians" modern, through policy initiatives facade and propaganda, totally ineffective and not coords with European and international community. To address a problem so important and complex as migration is not allowed, we need a rational policy and common sense, no advertising or election, trying to get to the roots of the problem. Immigration is a social phenomenon that has always existed, and involved different peoples throughout history. A people migrate to survive, is a natural act and a human instinct. In some parts of the world, studded with insufficient food and water, from public health emergencies, poverty and civil and ethnic conflicts continue, there is no chance to live, you can only escape in any way or by any type of vehicle in the hope arriving in the West, the promised land. A coordinated international policy, strong and united in plans and programs of foreign policy seriously, not just colonialism and exploitation and resources of others, trying to help and support economic growth, social and cultural populations in difficulty, represents a point in the fight imprenscindibile all'immmigrazione illegal. The fight against criminal organizations that are capitalizing on the inhumane transport of people desperate and sometimes fatal, is another cornerstone of a European and international policy agenda. Added to this are policies of integration and legalization of migrants in our territories in a new model of multi-ethnic society, going to isolate the phenomena of violence and organized crime, with all our strength, resources and legislation, slim and easy to applied in the constant defense of the law. We do not need other laws, for more unconstitutional, which eventually may not even be applied in practice and in everyday life due to lack of resources, people and vehicles. We must put a stop to false ideologies end in themselves, which serve only self-preservation of a political class in eternal election campaign and presenteeism, which is empowered by a clerical journalism, which continues to ignore its responsibility in the deterioration of social, ethical and cultural life of our country .
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